Web Design

Presentation Design

Computer Consulting

A Bit About Me

Over the years I’ve used this interest to educate people at both the corporate and individual levels as well as lend some tips and know-how to adult-ed students. My love of learning new programs and skills eventually brought me to more creative endeavors, including working with Photoshop, designing web sites and creating more compelling PowerPoint presentations for corporate clients.
Having experienced my own issues with computer troubleshooting and trying to learn new programs, I’ve always felt drawn to helping individuals better understand their own computers. I enjoy sharing tips and shortcuts to help people be more productive.
Finally, having a business degree and a good relationship with numbers, I’ve found myself pulled into various jobs requiring strong bookkeeping skills. In turn, I provide assistance to businesses and individuals needing to track their finances in Quicken or Quickbooks.
As you can see, I thrive on variety. I enjoy being able to put my mind and hands on a wide array of things with the overall goal of helping my clients understand and use technology better, get their message out more effectively and grow their business.

Partial Client List
I've created and maintained the web site for Atlantic Design Center since 2006 and, working with a couple of their designers, completed a full site redesign in 2016/2017.
Get inspired for your next project:
Visit Atlantic Design Center
A supplier of die cutting, splitting and skiving machines, Hudson Cutting was in need of a web site refresh. Some SEO help and a Google marketing campaign was also provided.
See their full line of machines:
Visit Hudson Cutting Solutions
I've worked at Province since 2005, handling all things financial and most of the I.T. I also created their web presence showcasing their product lines and mechanical design services.
See their machines & services:
Visit Province Automation
Carol Aronson-Shore
Carol is a New Hampsire-based artist that needed a site to showcase her paintings and provide information on upcoming exhibits and shows.
See all Carol's beautiful paintings:
Visit CarolAronsonShore.com
I've completed two web site iterations for Mark's successful Little Par 3 business in Sanford, Maine and helped him set up a company presence on Facebook.
See the course & upcoming events:
Visit Pine Hollow Little Par 3
Coming in 2024
I’m currently redesigning a site for a company in Portsmouth, NH.
Check back in 2024 to see the results.

* Header background graphic: Designed by Freepik